article mentions the move from web 1.0 to 2.0 has bought a much broader media revolution
Services such as YouTube, Blogs etc. are now free and available for anyone to use
as ordinary people have their says and opinions/views of what's happening and can publish them through web 2.0 and get reply backs, while sharing on-line sites which are free and open. these things can lead to turn in to fundamental shifts in operation's of old media such as the television.
First Question
what's new?
change of the media has allowed ordinary people to get involved and answer back the media whereas before web 1.0 news was provided through television and radios which was injected into the audience and audeince only had an acceptance. however it seen as there is danger of technological determinism the idea that technology will bring about social change
impact depends on how they are used and by who
who's participating
Digital divides, the younger people who are using social networking
striking social inequalities in participation some gender differences
women are leading to bloging
men tend to dominate videos by sharing
who is participating
technology is shifting power way from the editors, the publisher
establishments and the media who are taking control
(marx capitalist system)
Who's doing work
Participation debates - media
biggest debates
democracy is the form of government in which all eligible people have a say in making a decision
modern media landscape
Now the digital revolution web 2.0 has given users he opportunity to not just be the audience but to communicate ideas globally through social networking
nternet has empowered its users by giving them unparalleled instant and almost unmediated access to unfolding news stories from a variety of sources, bypassing the hegemonic institutions that control the dominant media discourses in society.
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